Travel Fellow Submission Deadline: Friday, September 13, 2024

Click HERE for Travel Fellow Submission Instructions

Panel Travel Fellows:

  • Applicants must be listed as a speaker in a Panel Session proposal that was submitted by the application deadline, and which is subsequently accepted into the program.
  • Applicants must be within 10 years since receipt of Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent advanced degree at time of application deadline, or be in a program leading to such a degree.
  • Extensions of this time limit will be considered for candidates with special circumstances (e.g. a documented leave-of-absence to care for family members, etc).”
  • Preference is given to scientists transitioning from Post-doctoral to faculty positions, but outstanding scientists at all levels are encouraged to apply and will be considered
  • Previous recipients of a Winter Brain Panel Fellowship Award are not eligible for a second award. However previous applicants for this award who did not win are encouraged to reapply, and recipients of a Winter Brain Poster Fellowship Award are eligible to apply for the Panel Fellowship Award.

Poster Travel Fellows:

  • Applicants must be within 5 years since receipt of Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent advanced degree at time of application deadline, or be in a program leading to such a degree.
  • Extensions of this time limit will be considered for candidates with special circumstances (e.g. a documented leave-of-absence to care for family members, etc).”
  • Previous recipients of a Winter Brain Poster Travel Fellowship Award are not eligible for a second award. However, previous applicants for this award who did not win are encouraged to reapply if still eligible.

What the Panel Fellowship Provides:

Current meeting: Free registration and $1250 towards eligible travel expenses if the Fellow attends the entire meeting (which is expected). If the Fellow cannot attend the full meeting, this should be indicated at the time of application, and if awarded the travel reimbursement will be reduced on a pro-rated basis.

*Fellows who previously received a Poster Fellowship and who return as a Panel Fellow will only receive $625 for the Panel Fellowship.

Future meetings:  Free registration to one Winter Brain meeting within 2 years of receipt of the travel award, contingent on the Fellow being the Chair of a panel session. Note that there is a cap on two free registrations for any combination of Travel Fellowships and Poster Awards.

What the Poster Fellowship Provides:

Current meeting:  Free registration plus $625 toward eligible travel expenses if the Fellow attends the full meeting (which is expected). If the fellowship cannot attend the full meeting, this should be indicated at the time of application and if awarded, the travel reimbursement will be reduced on a pro-rated basis.

Future meetings: No further perks, but the Poster Fellow is eligible to apply for the Panel Fellowship Award. Note that there is a cap on two free registrations for any combination of Travel Fellowship and Poster Awards.

Lifetime cap on number of free registrations

The maximum number of free registrations for any combination of Panel Fellowship, Poster Fellowship, and Poster Awards is two. For example, if a Poster Fellow from a previous meeting receives a Panel Fellowship Award, then s/he will receive free registration (along with travel reimbursement) for the year of the Panel Fellowship, but will not be eligible for the additional free registration in future years if chairing a session, and will not receive free registration if the winner of a poster award.