Poster Awards – Eligibility

  • Eligible scientist must be within 10 years since receipt of Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent advanced degree, or be in a program leading to such a degree.
  • Extensions of this time limit will be considered for candidates with special circumstances (e.g. a documented leave-of-absence to care for family members, etc).
  • Previous winners of Poster Awards are eligible for an award in subsequent years, but will not receive more than one free registration.

What the Poster Award provides:

  • Poster Award Winners will receive a Certificate of Recognition from the WCBR
  • Winners receive one free registration to a future WCBR meeting (valid for 3 years)*
  • Note that there is a cap on one free registration for a poster award, and two free registrations for any combination of Travel Fellowships and Poster Awards

*Due to the cancellation of the 2021 WCBR, past poster winners will be eligible for an additional year of complimentary registration if it has not already been claimed.